Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Architecture and landscape design

Nothing beats architecture like the Hogwarts castle! This castle has archs, corbeled archs, posts, lintel, a truss, columns, domes, atriums, i can go on for days. I feel like there is almost no better example than the Hogwarts castle! After reading the lecture this was the first thing I thought of when reading some of the things. Its so breath-taking and I wish i lived there!

Landscape in Paint and Perspective Systems

For this weeks lecture I choose these two pictures because they are both beautiful but they have two different feels two it because they are two different seasons. The first one is a snow covered mountain which looks beautiful the color usage is great the white gives it a cool but comforting feel to the artwork. The second painting seems like its set in the spring, the water is really calm and relaxing and the choice of colors is warm and captivating in my opinion.

Sculpture and Earthworks

Although there were no art vocabulary words this week this still relates to what we learned in the lecture this week. It may not be figures of a historical moment nor of historical people, but its a great work of modern art which represents famous faces for the youth. This sculpture was part of a disney exhibit in Japan. The turn out was amazing and i think that an art work like this is amazing because it doesn't have color but just looking at it its beautiful. The scale and proportion of these sculptures are massive in size! The artist created this artwork with fine detail.

This is a very unique earthwork. I have to admit I did get this image from google, but if i was on a plane and saw this down below I would get very excited. The stars are all a little different so the symmetry may not be perfect but the artwork is definitely beautiful.